Russell Sage Foundation: Funding programs

About the foundation:

The mission of the Russell Sage Foundation is to enhance socio-economic and living conditions in the United States. The Foundation supports visiting scholars in residence, finances researchers at other universities, and supports projects aimed at creating new generations of social scientists.


Funding Innovative Social Science Research

RSF funds research projects in four principal programs:

—and in a number of special initiatives.

Visiting Scholars, Researchers, and Journalists

The program encourages the sharing of ideas in a dynamic interdisciplinary atmosphere and promotes cooperation between researchers.


Under its own imprint, the foundation publishes books that derive from the work of its grantees and visiting scholars.

Operation areas:

The United States.

Funding Opportunities:

RSF will accept letters of inquiry (LOIs) under these core programs and special initiatives: Behavioral Economics; Decision Making & Human Behavior in Context; Future of Work; Social, Political, and Economic Inequality.
To find out about ongoing calls, click here. To learn how to apply, click here.

1. The Russell Sage Foundation website,

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