The “Package Enabled Reengineering” Methodology Approach (PER)

What is Package Enabled Reengineering (PER)?

Package enabled Reengineering (PER) is a project management technique that seeks to support businesses redesign new products or processes. It focuses on promoting business transitions efficiently and strategically, whether by redesigning systems or reorienting people.

Innovation-driven organizations follow this approach as it helps them remain true to their commitment to growth. This makes it easier for the company to adapt and respond to evolving market conditions and customer needs in a more productive way, increasing your sales and your return on investment.

When should you use this approach?

This project management methodology is suitable for those whose company requires an overhaul. Or if you need a fresh outlook on your products or systems, this approach is for you. Otherwise, it may not be good for you if you’re not seeking to update the current system.

The Pros and Cons of PER


  • Improve Current Processes: Package Enable Design offers a foundation for reengineering existing processes and modifying products with a new design.


  • Centered on inefficient procedures: this system is better used in project management to reconsider existing processes. It is not best for corporate settings that still run efficiently.
Reference: For more info, visit these websites,to%20replace%20inefficiencies%20wherever%20identified.

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